Best Online History Teacher Degree Programs

Accredited History Teacher Education degree programs are offered in two ways. You can either major in teacher education with a concentration in history, or you can major in history with a teacher education component. The best online degrees in History Teacher Education will prepare students to teach middle school, high school, or at colleges and universities. While some states only require a Bachelor’s degree and teacher certification, some states require a master’s degree in order to teach. Top online History Teacher Education programs will cover a variety of topics related to teaching as well as history.

About the Best Online Degrees in History Teacher Education

Online Undergraduate Degrees in History Teacher Education

The best online undergraduate degree programs in History Teacher Education provide a wide variety of courses that cover topics in teaching and history. Students have the option of earning a bachelor’s with a major in History while taking other teaching components or a major in Education with a focus on teaching history. Online bachelor’s in History Teacher Education programs focus on a full range of historical topics while also giving students effective tools to teach their own students. A BS in History Teacher Education plus teacher certification may be all that is required by your state. When looking for good schools, make sure they will adhere to your state-specific guidelines and offer courses that will help you in the certification process.

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Online Master’s in History Teacher Education Programs

The best online master’s degrees in History Teacher Education will build upon the teaching concepts and historical information obtained with a bachelor’s degree while allowing students to specialize in a specific time period or area of the world. A MS in History Teacher Education is generally required to teach at a level above high school, along with state certification. Online master’s in History Teacher Education programs will also require an internship component, where the student will have to create history lesson plans and teach to real students. While the classes for a master’s degree are available online, students will need to arrange an internship locally.

Choosing the Best Online Degree

When considering the best online degrees in History Teacher Education, it is important to first find out the requirements of your state. Some states only require a bachelor’s degree with certification, while others require a master’s degree and certification. It is also very important to find a reputable program that is accredited in the USA. Good schools will also be at the top of History Teacher Education degree rankings that can be found in various places online. Because teaching is a very in-demand profession, make sure to ask your school about available scholarships and financial aid. There are many programs to help future teachers fund their education.