Are you looking for a list of the jobs available in advertising? If you are studying for a degree in marketing, it is important to find the career path that fits you the best prior to graduating from school. Many assume that marketing positions are the only positions that they can look for, but majors in this discipline are also well-suited for advertising positions with corporations and advertising firms. If you work in advertising, you will be part of a team who tells buyers what is for sale and tries to persuade the consumer to choose your brand over the others on the market.
Careers in Account Management or Planning
An account manager typically works for an advertising firm. They are a representative of the company and a client’s first line of contact. The best account managers are team leaders and strategists by nature. You will need to know the client’s business, the targeted niche, the marketplace, and advertising methods that will help you achieve the client’s goals. As an account management professional, you may start as a junior account executive and move up to supervisor positions. Once here, you can climb up the ladder to become a management supervisor or an account director who oversees a group of several accounts. The top position in Account Management is the Director of Account Services, who manages the entire Account Services department.
Working in the Creative Department
If you want to put your creativity to use in advertising, you should pursue positions in the creative department. Professionals in this department will develop unique ideas, words or images that will be used in commercials and other forms of advertising media. From the copywriter to the creative director, there are many parts to the creative team. Some of the roles that you can pursue include: illustrator, art director, copywriter, creative supervisor, director, and chief creative director, according to the Advertising Educational Foundation. Each person with a title has their own set of responsibilities in generating ideas or editing ideas.
Positions in the Media Department
Advertising agencies also have media departments that are responsible for choosing channels and media placement. The entire purpose of creating a campaign is to promote products and to reach consumers. The media department will decide which channels will reach customers in the most cost-effective way. You will be part of the deployment strategy in this department and will play a major role in how successful a campaign is. In addition to choosing a medium, you will also need to use marketing data to develop more precise target marketing strategies. Some of the titles in media include: media planner, media supervisor, director, media buyer, group director, and executive director.
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If you are serious about pursuing a position in advertising, the first step is earning your degree. With a degree from a respected school, you can generate interest just from submitting your resume. Once you get interest, make sure you make the best possible impression while you interview by studying the company and explaining why you are a great match based on the company’s vision. It can also help you to assemble a portfolio of your best work. Scan through jobs available in advertising, find the right match, and communicate why you would be an asset.