A degree in physical therapy is useful in the field of physical therapy only after the graduate level and becoming licensed. Many different colleges and universities offer accredited physical therapy programs, and some offer transition programs within physical therapy degrees programs in order to prepare students for graduate work and licensure. This degree is however offered beginning at the bachelor’s level. The top online physical therapy degree programs tend to be at the master’s or doctoral level. The best online degrees in physical therapy prepare students to get licensed and allow for much practical experience. In addition, they tend to offer extensive flexibility for those already in career jobs, especially for those physical therapists licensed at the master’s level but seeking a doctorate degree. Comparing different online physical therapy programs helps in determining how to get licensed the most flexibly, or quickly.
Top Featured Physical Therapy Degree Programs
1. A.T. Still University of Health Sciences – MS – Advanced Occupational Therapy Studies
2. Quinnipiac University Online – Post Professional MS – Occupational Therapy
About the Best Physical Therapy Online Degrees
Online Undergraduate Physical Therapy Degrees
To find the best online physical therapy undergraduate degrees, one must carefully think about their potential choices to learn if it might be better to take courses required for other majors that are also applicable to the field of physical therapy. A BS in physical therapy does not directly lead to licensure. Even though there are online bachelor’s in physical therapy programs, the degree is not more useful than a major in a similar field, like biology, unless it designed to prepare students for graduate studies in physical therapy and licensure. Many colleges and universities offer such transition programs, although many such programs are not offered online at the bachelor’s level. The best programs in physical therapy will offer many different options for undergraduate studies, practical experience, license preparation, and transitioning.
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Master’s in Physical therapy Online Programs
The best online master’s degrees in physical therapy offer students practical experience, options for concentrations, and preparation for getting licensed. When looking at online master’s in physical therapy programs, one must consider the current opportunities in their potential careers, such as the option to be a physical therapist specifically for those suffering from sports injuries. Some online programs will allow students to focus on the physical therapy needs of such a target group. The best programs will guide students seeking the MS in physical therapy in gaining experience in order to choose a potential concentration. Programs which are set up to help students transition to the doctoral level are especially considered top programs, especially if they are able to do so partially or entirely through online courses.
Deciding on the Best Online Physical therapy Degree
To select the best online degrees in physical therapy, potential students must carefully research a variety of physical therapy programs and learn about licensure requirements. The goal of a degree in physical therapy is to get a career, so it is also important for potential physical therapists to learn about physical therapy degree rankings. In the USA, there are many lists ranking programs and degrees by field, as well as good schools. Reputable physical therapy programs will be well known and will have a high number of students getting licenses and practicing in their intended field and concentration.