Guide to the Best Online Actuarial Science Degree Programs

Many of the country’s best universities and colleges offer accredited actuarial science programs that can help you prepare for satisfying careers as an actuary. The best actuarial science online degree programs offer students the mathematical and statistical skills needed to analyze the costs of covering risk and uncertainty efficiently.

These skills are necessary because most actuaries perform complicated numerical analysis that are often used to analyze the potential risks of performing daily tasks. To see what we mean, please take a look at the types of courses you can expect to complete while enrolled in one of the nation’s top online actuarial science programs.

About the Best Online Degrees in Actuarial Science

Top Actuarial Science Programs – Undergrad

top actuarial science degree programsThere are many colleges and universities that offer online bachelor’s in actuarial science. These schools offer challenging math and statistics courses that provide the basic skills needed to perform most tasks assigned to actuaries. However, the best online undergraduate degrees in actuarial science require students to complete major requirements that also include completing finance courses that can help you pass one of the qualifying exams offered by the Casualty Actuarial Society and the Society of Actuaries. These are good schools for obtaining an actuarial science degree because they can help you obtain a BS in actuarial science that maximizes your potential of finding fantastic jobs that offer a great salary and other perks that make a career as an actuary worthwhile.

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Online Master’s in Actuarial Science Programs

guide to online actuarial science programsMany colleges and universities also offer online master’s in actuarial science programs that offer students the advanced skills they need to pass each of the qualifying exams offered by the Society of Actuaries and the Casualty Actuarial Society. However, colleges and universities that offer the best online master’s degrees in actuarial science also require students to take advanced courses in economics, mathematics, statistics, finance and time series analysis. Obtaining a MS in actuarial science from an online college or university that requires students to take these classes is worthwhile because it can help you maximize the potential value of your graduate actuarial science degree. This is the case because most employers who hire actuaries look for graduate students who have a firm grasp of the economic and analytical skills needed to evaluate the costs associated with covering risk and uncertainty accurately.

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How to Choose the Best Online Actuarial Science Degree

Searching for the best online degrees in actuarial science requires students to search for good schools that offer students challenging courses in economics, mathematics, statistics and finance. It also requires students to search for reputable online schools in the USA that offer flexible schedules, fantastic financial aid programs, interactive courses and access to job placement services that can help you find a great job after you graduate. The easiest way to find these schools is to search for unbiased actuarial science degree rankings that can help you compare the actuarial science courses and resources offered by online colleges. Using these degree rankings is worthwhile because it can help you find the best online degree programs that offer the skills and resources needed to become a competent actuary. Therefore, be sure to use these rankings to simplify your search for high-quality online actuarial science degree programs.

Featured Actuarial Science and Mathematics Programs

1. Ottawa University – BA – Mathematics
2. Southern New Hampshire University – MBA – Quantitative Analysis

Featured Risk Management Degree Programs

1. Kaplan University – BSBA – Risk Management
2. Boston University – MS – Security and Risk Management
3. Walden University – MBA – Risk Management