What Jobs are Available in Network Security?

Network Security If you find the fields of information technology or security to be interesting, you may have wondered about the jobs available in network security. By reading the information found below, you can discover several vocational opportunities available to you in this dynamic sector.

Information Security Analysts

Information security analysts are individuals who plan and subsequently implement security measures that are designed to protect the organization or company’s computer systems and networks. Because the rate of cyber attacks is increasing, the roles and responsibilities of the information security analyst are subject to continual change. Typically, the information security analyst will work for a consulting firm, business, financial company, or computer company. In order to become an information security analyst, an individual should obtain a bachelor’s degree in a field such as information technology or computer science. The U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics reports that information security analysts earn an average of $86,170 per year or $41.43 per hour.

Network Systems Administrators

Network systems administrators are responsible for the daily operations of computer networks. Typically, the network systems administrator will work directly with the computer networks of several organizations. For this reason, individuals who select this career path can gain employment in several distinct industries. In order to become a network systems administrator, an individual can opt to attain a bachelor’s degree in a field like information or computer science. In some cases, employers want employees to hold a postsecondary certificate. Typically, a network systems administrator can expect to earn about $72,560 annually.

System Network Tester

The system network tester is an individual who locates security vulnerabilities in target networks, systems, and applications. Specifically, the system network tester identifies the flaws in the system that could potentially be exploited and thereby create business risks. To preclude this type of exploitative activity from transpiring, the system network tester will offer informed insights regarding the system’s most immediate issues and make suggestions regarding how the company or business should prioritize and allocate security resources. In doing so, the system network tester is able to help organizations optimize their current network security processes.

Security Software Developer

The security software developer is responsible for leading the company or organization’s developers in creating secure software. Additionally, the security software developer may implement various secure programming strategies that have no technical and/or design flaw. In short, the security software developer is responsible for making sure that customer software cannot be exploited or misappropriated by cyber attackers.

Chief Information Security Officer

Chief Information Security Officers are technologists who connect regulatory, legal, and local organizational requirements for the purpose of ensuring that a company’s networks are as secure as possible. The position necessitates the use of process-oriented thinking, communication skills, and business acumen. In most cases, people who attain this type of position begin in entry-level security-related positions and work their way up. Because the position will typically incorporate recognition of and response to technological advancements, financial constraints, and risk taking, the chief information security officer will typically hold an advanced degree in a related field such as computer science or information technology.

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Individuals who have given consideration to the development of a career in the network security sector should know that pursuing this path can be very advantageous. Now that you have a basic understanding of some jobs available in network security, you can determine which one would best enable you to accomplish your personal and professional objectives.